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Cycling Land's End to John O' Groats to Help those Trapped in Slavery
After being inspired during the first lockdown by IJM's commitment to ending modern day slavery, Mim Heritage spent last summer cycling from Land's End to John O'Groats to protect people from slavery and violence.
#DelayedJustice in Kenya
On the 5 Year Anniversary of IJM Lawyer Willie Kimani's Death, we are as committed as ever to seeing justice for both the victims and the suspects of police abuse of power. Justice has been delayed for too long.
UNODC and IJM Host Webinar on Legal Assistance to Trafficking Victims
On May 28, and for the first time, UNODC and IJM hosted a joint webinar to share experiences and best practices on providing critical assistance like legal representation to victims of human trafficking and improving programmes to ensure victims have better and more effective access to justice across the Latin America Region.
IJM UK's Statement on the New Plan for Immigration
The UK has played a pivotal role in addressing modern slavery at home and abroad. IJM welcomes the review of the 2014 Modern Slavery Strategy, yet changes to the process of identifying and supporting survivors proposed in the New Plan for Immigration provide legitimate cause for concern and risk undoing progress made. Below, IJM UK outlines several recommendations.
Stop Child Trafficking: Join IJM and Guvna B to build a world where every child is free
Anti-slavery and anti-violence NGO International Justice Mission (IJM) works to tackle child trafficking around the world. Ahead of IJM's Radio 4 appeal, featuring Guvna B, we’ll explain why 2021 is a crucial year for ending child exploitation and dive into the work of IJM Ghana as they tackle child trafficking in the fishing industry, and explain how you can get involved.
Rowing the Atlantic to Help End Slavery
British solicitor and adventurer, Cat Withers, is choosing to row 3-000 miles across the Atlantic. The route follows the path taken by thousands of victims of the transatlantic slave trade, to raise awareness of how slavery is a continuing reality for over 40 million people in the world today.
The Global Survivor Network Speaks Out
Three Things Governments & Donors Can Do Now. Recommendations from Pachaiyammal, Victoria and Jakelin from the Global Survivor Network.
#BuildBackSafer for Women this IWD
On International Women’s Day, International Justice Mission (IJM) calls for investing in initiatives that provide protection and justice for women and children victimized by domestic violence and sexual assault.
IJM Blog: Year for the Elimination of Child Labour
The inaugural blog from IJM UK's Policy and Advocacy team highlights the work of IJM Ghana in tackling some of the worst forms of child labour, including child trafficking. We also explore the role of UK government and why securing children’s safety is critical to creating a generation that can lead the world into a brighter future.
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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