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Aftercare, Impact and a Survivor-Led Movement
Every survivor of violence deserves to have someone to walk alongside them on the path to restoration. Here's how IJM is working to make that happen.
Violence against women and children in Uganda
IJM has been working to combat violence against women and children in Uganda since 2018. We're seeing survivors of violence speak up, accountability advanced, and communities and justice service providers trained to respond to violence effectively, and protect women and girls.
Sadhna woke up—disoriented, naked and afraid.
Read how your support changes lives. Your donations help IJM give child survivors of sex trafficking the chance to enjoy their childhood, and find their dreams and chase them.
"I was told nobody would believe me if I spoke up. But this is my story to tell."
Your support can help find and free women and children who have been trafficked
A New and Old Pandemic: COVID-19 and Modern Slavery
Peter Williams, Principal Advisor on Modern Slavery, for IJM Global, highlights why more than ever before, it is vital that we prioritise the protection of the world's most vulnerable people and use what is in our hands to "choose freedom".
'Falling Short'
Read IJM's report on how sentences for UK sex offenders who livestream sexual abuse of Filipino children do not fit the crime.
Survivors and Justice Centres unite to demand end to Police Brutality in Kenya
COVID-19 curfews have led to a surge in cases of police violence in Kenya. IJM and partners have recorded 23 possible deaths as a result of police brutality during the curfew period alone. IJM Kenya and others in the Police Reforms Working Group have released statements against this abuse and started monitoring cases. Activists and survivor networks across Kenya are advocating for an end to impunity for police violence.
IJM partners provide financial support for 166 OSEC Survivor Families
Hope is paramount to a survivor's journey to restoration. And, the Consuelo Foundation (CZAF), in collaboration with IJM, has been able to bring that hope to 166 families of OSEC survivors (online sexual exploitation of children) during the global pandemic.
Mallesh: Story Update
Mallesh was 8 years old when he was brutally enslaved on a rose farm. Today, he’s choosing to use his freedom to free others. He said: “I want to have the power to help others. Imagine putting a full stop to child labour."
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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