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International Justice Mission is a global organisation that protects people in poverty from slavery and violence.

As one of the world's largest international anti-slavery organisations, our mission is to work with authorities and partners to make justice unstoppable.

How does IJM work?

IJM partners with local authorities around the world to combat trafficking, slavery, violence against women and children, and police abuse of power. IJM works with police to bring victims of violence and abuse to safety, hold perpetrators accountable, and help local law enforcement build a safe future that lasts.

The IJM Theory of Change

We've seen slavery reduced by up to 86% in places where we've worked.

But we don’t stop there. Beyond slavery, IJM and our partners work in 19 countries around the world to protect people in poverty from other forms of violence and exploitation including violence against women and children, and online sexual exploitation of children and forced scamming. We collaborate with local authorities to build communities where all people, and future generations, can expect to be safe and protected.

IJM in the UK

IJM UK is part of IJM’s global justice movement working to end slavery in our lifetime and protect people in poverty from violence. Founded in 2006, IJM UK utilises our global expertise and experience to engage UK government, businesses, churches and activists in the fight to stop slavery and violence, both globally and locally.

Meet the IJM UK Chief Executive and Board

David Westlake

Chief Executive Officer

Melanie Lane

Chair Person

Martin Greenslade


Anita Budu


Jo Rice


Christina Kumar


Colin Ross


Andy Griffiths

Regional President, Africa and Europe

Meet the Founder of IJM

Gary Haugen

IJM’s founder Gary Haugen was a human rights lawyer working for the U.S. Department of Justice when the UN asked him to lead its investigation of the Rwandan genocide.

As Gary dug through mass graves and massacre sites, he remembers being struck by the terrible truth: the Rwandans who had perished in the violence “did not need someone to bring them a sermon, or food, or a doctor, or a teacher, or a microloan. They needed someone to restrain the hand with the machete, and nothing else would do.”

Compelled by the urgent needs he saw and inspired by his faith, Gary envisioned a new kind of human rights organisation: a group that would leverage the skills of criminal justice professionals to protect people from violent oppression.

Gary left his job and launched International Justice Mission in 1997. He and a small team took on cases where victims could not depend on their justice systems to defend them.

They met with obstacles and challenges. They faced disbelief that public justice systems could ever protect children, women and men. But slowly, the team saw their vision begin to take hold: traffickers were held to account for assaulting children; families found freedom from generations of slavery; young girls were brought to safety from sexual exploitation.

Today, we've seen entire communities transformed.

Gary has been recognised by the U.S. State Department as a Trafficking in Persons “Hero” – the highest honour given by the U.S. government for anti-slavery leadership.

Here's a closer look at IJM
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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