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Workplaces and Corporate Partnerships

You can transform your workplace for good

Partnership Case Studies

Corporations and foundations can strengthen justice systems and protect vulnerable people from violence. Read real examples of tremendous impact where IJM and corporations have partnered with governments to achieve results.

Contact us

We’re ready to help you achieve your corporate social responsibility goals. Reach out to our team to discuss how to start a bespoke partnership between IJM and your company.

Join hundreds of people transforming their workplace for good, through giving, partnership and fundraising

There are so many ways you can leverage your workplace for good and help eliminate forced labour slavery and protect communities where their supply chains operate.


Forced Labour Slavery in Supply Chains

IJM partners with corporations to develop tailored solutions that address forced labour

IJM knows corporations are working to meet ethical and sustainable growth and development goals—especially when it comes to combating forced labour and protecting vulnerable people from exploitation. But businesses cannot solve this crisis alone.

We have seen that investing in sustainable solutions, like government ownership of enforcing anti-trafficking and worker protection laws, as well as the prosecution of human

trafficking and slavery, can reduce forced labour risk by changing the entire ecosystem in which they operate.

We believe that keeping perpetrators accountable is necessary to eliminate the crime. We also know that being among the first to try solving complicated problems can be difficult, but your leadership in standing up for the dignity and safety of workers today will bring about a safer, more secure world for workers and their families for generations to come.


Trusted Expertise and Tailored Response

International Justice Mission has more than 26 years of experience transforming broken justice systems around the world, and we are ready to work with you to build positive, fruitful relationships with host governments to strengthen worker protections and accountability for bad actors as well as building rule of law and access to justice in the communities where your supply chain operations are located.

Corporations can have a significant impact by using their influence with governments to prioritise investments in law enforcement and survivor services that end impunity for forced labour exploiters and shrinks the space for abuse. When a justice system is functioning, it protects everyone and sets the standard for ethical working conditions in a way that corporations alone cannot.

IJM’s model strengthens justice systems to strengthen the rule of law, which deters criminals and protects workers. We have seen time and again that there is no substitute for the local government response when attempting to address criminal activity. By tailoring our approach to your needs, we will make sure you have the connections and context to build strong partnerships with local and national governments in order to bring effective change where it is needed most.

Partner with IJM as an individual

Partner with us as an organisation

We subscribe to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and our approach supports nations in their duty to protect worker rights. IJM staff on the frontlines are ready to deliver powerful, data-driven results in the following areas of work:

Leverage your workplace for good

IJM equips employees, business owners and justice-minded companies to become a powerful force in the fight to end modern slavery and violence.

Partner with IJM

Connect with our team to hear more about your workplace can be a powerful force in the movement to end slavery and violence.

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You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


Donor Portal

Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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