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Family sit round tree in South Asia.

Have an even greater impact - at no extra cost to you!

Imagine the impact that doubling (or tripling!) your gift - at no extra cost to you - could have in making freedom possible for people trapped in modern slavery and violence.

Have you considered asking your company if they will match your regular gift?

What is matched giving?

Many employers will match the charitable contributions of their employees - given on a regular basis, as a one-off donation or through independent fundraising, that is done by their employees.

Your gift to IJM could be matched pound for pound or more! Match giving is a great way to significantly increase the impact of your donation.

Find out how you can transform your workplace for good, and double or even triple your impact now.

Why should I talk to my company about matching my giving?

There has never been a more critical time in history, to transform your workplace for good.

Right now, an estimated 50 million people are trapped in slavery worldwide. Stopping slavery and violence is possible - we have seen up to 86% reductions in slavery in places we've worked - but we need your help to stop it.

You can make a significant difference in making freedom possible by asking your employer to match your donation. Together, we can make justice unstoppable and build a world where all are free.

How do I ask my company to match my giving?

If you contact our team, we will provide you with everything you need to talk to your company about the impact of your giving, and how they can be a part of the movement to stop slavery and violence too.

There’s something in it for your workplace too!

Not only will your workplace be joining a worldwide movement to stop slavery and violence, but according to CAF’s Growing Giving Enquiry [2], matching employees' charitable gifts 'can lead to improved staff productivity and loyalty, as well as boosting an employer’s public perception'.

Any questions?

Get in touch with us to transform your workplace!

Fill out this form now and we'll be in touch shortly to give you advice about employer match giving and all the details you need to transform your workplace for good.

[1] International Labour Organisation report, 2022.

[2] CAF Growing Giving Enquiry.

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


Donor Portal

Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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