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201411 MUM 2014 MUM CSX 019 HQ Comms Visit Approved for Full Use

Transform your salary for good

Payroll giving and how it works

What is payroll giving?

Do you want to have a greater impact this year – at no extra cost to you?

Make your pay day extra special through payroll giving. You can give to IJM UK through your payroll and donate before tax is deducted - meaning it costs you less to have more of an impact!

Giving through your payroll is an easy, tax-efficient way of donating through your salary and leveraging your workplace for good.

Anyone who pays UK tax through PAYE can donate through payroll giving.

Why give through payroll giving?

Simply put, payroll giving means you can make a bigger impact with your money, at less of a cost to you!

Your donations will have an even greater impact on the lives of people trapped in slavery – helping bring children, women and men to safety and supporting them to heal.

How much can I donate?

When you give through payroll giving, the amount you decide to donate is up to you. There is no minimum, or maximum amount - your donation will help make freedom and justice possible!

If you pay the basic 20% tax rate, for every £1 that you earn, 20p is paid in tax.

That means, for example, that if you donate £10 a month to IJM UK, we’ll receive the full amount - but only £8 will be deducted from your net pay.

If you pay income tax at the higher rate of 40%, you can donate £10 a month and only £6 will be deducted from your net pay, and at the highest rate of 45%, only £5.50 would be deducted, but IJM will still receive the full amount.

Additionally, it is more efficient for higher rate taxpayers to donate through payroll giving than Gift Aid as charities are unable to claim back tax above the basic rate through the Gift Aid scheme.

The income tax applicable to the donation is paid to IJM UK instead of HMRC.

Example of pledges and costs

Employee pledge

£5 per month

£10 per month

£15 per month

Cost to standard rate taxpayer (20%)




Cost to higher rate taxpayer (40%)




Cost to highest rate taxpayer (45%)




How to set up your payroll giving donation

1. First, check whether your company offers payroll giving. If they do, ask your employer to make a regular gift of how much you would like to give to IJM UK - they will arrange to make the donation through your salary for you.

2. If your employer does not currently offer payroll giving, you can encourage them to set up a payroll giving scheme. They will need to register with an approved payroll giving agency.

We're always happy to help
- feel free to get in touch with us using the form below if you would like us to support you to start payroll giving and provide you a video and resources to tell your workplace more about the work of IJM.

If your circumstances change or you want to change or cancel your donation at any time, simply tell your employer. If you change your job, your donations will not be transferred to your new employer, so you will need to start a new payroll giving scheme with them.

Any questions?

Get in touch now to transform your salary for good!

Fill out this form now and we'll be in touch shortly to give you advice about payroll giving and all the details you need to transform your salary for good. We'll also provide you with a video and resources to tell your workplace more about the work of IJM.

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


Donor Portal

Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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