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Press and Media

IJM Media, News & Stories

What happens once a child is safe from trafficking or abuse?
Children who’ve experienced violence are deeply traumatised and remain highly vulnerable. Read how specialist care can help children heal and find hop...
Supporting children in Uganda: an interview with Cathy Ajok
What does it look like to walk alongside a child after they’ve been brought to safety from abuse? We spoke to Cathy Ajok, one of IJM’s aftercare staff...
Latest News

IJM's work has been featured in The Times, The Economist, The Telegraph, The Financial Times, The Guardian, ITV News and more

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Press Releases

French citizen and Disney animator found guilty of livestreamed sexual assault of children
1 November 2024 IJM urges tech and financial sector accountability as French citizen found guilty in livestreamed sexual assault of Filipino childre...
IJM UK joins with 60+ organisations to call for next government to prioritise tackling modern slavery
June 2024 As the UK general election approaches in July, the anti-trafficking sector has come together to call for a renewed commitment to ending tra...
3 police officers convicted of murdering human rights lawyer in Kenya
On 22nd July 2022, after almost six years of delays in trial proceedings, 3 police officers and a civilian have been found guilty and convicted of kil...
20 children brought to safety from online sexual exploitation by police and IJM
Back-to-back operations by police across Central Luzon resulted in 20 children being brought to safety from exploitation. Four suspects, two of whom a...

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For media enquiries

Contact us: [email protected]

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Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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