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IJM delivers training to hundreds of Guatemalan police officers

March 2024

Last month, over 220 Guatemalan investigators learned photography and videography techniques to help them investigate sexual crimes against women and children.

One investigator shared: “I am very thankful to International Justice Mission for bringing this training. These are tools that help us improve our capabilities, and ultimately, they help solve cases.” 

Some of the investigators came from the Quetzaltenango region, where women and children have historically suffered high rates of sexual abuse.

A 2023 IJM study found that 37% of women and 28% of adolescents in Guatemala have suffered either physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives.  

This three-day training equipped the police to use equipment to collect critical evidence. In addition to the training, IJM is donating eight video cameras and eight photo cameras to police stations.

A professor of the National Police Academy said, “With the training that I have received today, I can now go and replicate it both with my students and with other police investigators at the national level. I am very thankful to IJM!”

Based on IJM’s experience around the globe, when officials are trained and justice systems are strengthened, three things happen:

1) The justice system does not get overwhelmed with piled-up cases;

2) Victims and survivors receive justice;

3) As more perpetrators are restrained, people trust in the justice system and feel encouraged to report crimes.

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