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Ruby survivor of online sexual exploitation of children

Get your church involved as a Freedom Church

Your church could join the global movement of churches fighting to stop slavery and violence in our lifetime as a Freedom Church.

What is an IJM Freedom Church?

Freedom Churches partner with IJM in the work of justice in three ways: Generosity, Prayer, Action.

Becoming an IJM Freedom Church is a way for your whole church to connect with God’s heart for justice by committing to prayer, action and generosity in the movement to end slavery in our lifetime.

If God has put this call on your heart, catalyse your church for justice by becoming a Freedom Church.

Begin your church's journey of justice.

I'd like to start my Freedom Church journey!

What's it like being a Freedom Church with IJM?

"The more I learn about IJM's work, the more I treasure our small involvement. We are honoured to partner with their life-changing work across the world. May God continue to impress upon us His heart for justice - and what that looks like!"

Laura Campbell Lead pastor, Re:Hope West End, Glasgow

"IJM helps you think, pray and live differently. A global organisation, working in local contexts, it helps us as a church see the world as God sees it - and resolve to see it become the way it should be. Their work is dangerous, life saving and, sadly, vital."

Rev Dave Richards St Paul’s & St George’s in Edinburgh

"IJM has helped our church's step-by-step journey of discovering God's heart for the oppressed. It has has awakened us to hugely disturbing instances of injustice across the globe, but also inspired us with incredible stories of rescue, restoration, healing and hope. It has been a privilege to partner with IJM in recent years."

Gordon Best Minister, Newmills Presbyterian, Northern Ireland

"I am excited that the church I lead is becoming a Freedom Church but I get really excited when I think about what would happen if lots of churches partner with IJM."

Rich Johnson Vicar, All Saints Worcester

Got questions?

What happens when I register my interest?
I’m not a church leader - what can I do?
We’re a small church, can we still take part?
Do we have to commit a certain amount financially to be a Freedom Church?
What can I do as an individual?
What does IJM do?
Is the Church Champion a paid member of staff?
Why should my church partner with IJM?
I'd like to request an IJM speaker

Get in touch to speak to Kath, Church and Community Mobilisation Lead, or a member of our friendly churches team to find out more about how your church can begin partnership and get involved or fill in the form below.

Find out more about becoming a Freedom Church

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If you'd like to be kept up to date with breaking news and powerful actions you can take for freedom and justice, please keep me updated by:

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


Donor Portal

Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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