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Become a Champion

What can I do as a Champion?

As a Champion you can advocate and use your time and resources, and mobilise your community:

Meet some of IJM's Champions:

Proactively participated in IJM's Make #SlaveFree Normal in 2021 and is pictured here writing to his MP. Ishaan regularly raises awareness through his platform 'Stolen Dreams'.


Walked for Freedom – over 1,000 miles from Land’s End to John O' Groats in 7 weeks to highlight the urgency in stopping slavery and to raise money to send rescue. He raised £37,795 – the equivalent of over 7 entire rescue operations! Read all about his journey here.


Spent 18 months working as an IJM lawyer in the Philippines and since returning to the UK has championed justice ever since – sharing her experiences, representing IJM at key legal and business events, and recently fundraising thousands of pounds as she trains for the London Marathon!


Is rallying her entire community in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, to join the fight to end slavery! Bringing together local schools, businesses, churches and individuals; together they have pledged to raise 100 rescues for IJM, which is over £500,000! You can find out more here.


At 10-years-old is Scotland’s youngest IJM Champion. From selling paper fans to homemade lemonade, to speaking in his church and school – Roddy is passionate to end slavery in his lifetime.


A Church Champion committed to encouraging St Mary’s Church West Horsely in the fight to end slavery. She recently wrote a brilliant article about IJM’s Make #SlaveFree Normal campaign in their Parish Newsletter; raising awareness about slavery in the supply chains of many everyday items.


Uses his skills as a contemporary Scottish Artist to tell the stories of survivors; at IJM events, in his tutoring sessions and through his own artwork.


As a student & Advocacy Champion, Bethany rallies her university, church and local community to join IJM in responding to campaigns and taking action to end slavery & violence.


Three ways you can use your time, voice, and passion to help end injustice today:

Be inspired by our recent Champions' stories

Spring Champions News
Read the latest inspiring stories from Champions across the UK
Cardiff Coffee Business 'Manumit' Raises £10,000 to help end modern slavery
A rise in home-working culture has increased the demand for coffee which delivers. For coffee business Manumit, who employ survivors of slavery in the...
Cycling Land's End to John O' Groats to Help those Trapped in Slavery
After being inspired during the first lockdown by IJM's commitment to ending modern day slavery, Mim Heritage spent last summer cycling from Land's En...
Rowing the Atlantic to Help End Slavery
British solicitor and adventurer, Cat Withers, is choosing to row 3-000 miles across the Atlantic. The route follows the path taken by thousands of vi...

Have you been inspired by what you can do?
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You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


Donor Portal

Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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