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No product should be tainted by slavery

Help us stop slavery at source.

50 million people are trapped in slavery, a business that generates $150bn a year.

These are just a few of the everyday products that can have slavery in their supply chains.



Mobile Phones






*Brands photographed are taking steps to help prevent slavery and exploitation

IJM is one of the largest international anti-slavery organisations in the world.

We stop slavery at source by conducting undercover investigations to find out where slavery is happening. Then we partner with local governments and police to lead operations, prosecute traffickers and rehabilitate survivors. We’ve helped bring over 85,000 people to safety from slavery and oppression worldwide and have seen dramatic reductions in trafficking where we’ve worked.

Three ways that you that you can Make #SlaveFree Normal:

01. Buy Ethically

There are some inspiring brands that are working hard to create a slave-free world, join us in championing these brands!

We have incredible power as consumers—if you're unsure whether or not there is slavery in the supply chains of brands you love, just ask them. Check out our blog that will give you tips on how to buy ethically and write to brands that you love.

Learn More >>

01. Buy Ethically

There are some inspiring brands that are working hard to create a world without slavery. Join us in championing these brands!

We have incredible power as consumers—if you're unsure whether or not there is slavery in the supply chains of brands you love, just ask them. Check out our blog that will give you tips on how to buy ethically and write to brands that you love.

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02. Stop Slavery at Source

Slavery and exploitation in supply chains needs to be stopped at source. IJM finds out where slavery is taking place, brings people to safety and helps to hold criminals to account. Through our work with local police and governments, we've seen dramatic reduction in slavery in the places where we work.

You can take action to end slavery by becoming a Freedom Partner.

Take action now >>

02. Stop Slavery at Source

Slavery and exploitation in supply chains needs to be stopped at source. IJM partners with authorities to find out where slavery is taking place, bring victims to safety, and prosecute criminals who are enslaving others. Through our work with local police and governments, we've seen dramatic reductions in slavery in the places where we work.

You can take action to end slavery by becoming a Freedom Partner.

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03. Raise Your Voice

Nothing happens just because we are aware of modern slavery, but nothing can happen until we are.

Your voice matters. Use it to let people know that slavery still exists and it's closer to home than people think by raising your voice on social media.

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03. Raise Your Voice

Nothing happens just because we are aware of modern slavery, but nothing can happen until we are.

Your voice matters. Use it to let people know that slavery still exists and it's closer to home than people think by raising your voice on social media.

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We all have a part to play in making #SlaveFree normal.

Together we can make #SlaveFree normal.

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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