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Just Love Bath


Here’s how you can join the fight
to end slavery in your lifetime.

Stand for Freedom

Stand for Freedom is a global student-led movement that raises awareness of modern slavery by taking a literal stand against slavery. That’s right, students, like you, stand for 24 hours in communities and cities, publicly standing up for the millions of people around the world who are denied freedom. It gives students the chance to raise their voices, rally their communities and be leaders in the fight against slavery.

Find a JustLove group at your University or organise your own Stand for Freedom Event.


Fashion for Freedom

Run a clothes swap for IJM! Fashion for Freedom events are a platform to celebrate fashion, acknowledging fashion's darker secrets, whilst still inspiring each other through the work of ethical brands and the consumer power we each have.

1. Gather your friends (on Zoom or in person where allowed) and swap clothes

2. Raise awareness of the 25 million trapped in forced labour slavery

3. Fundraise to help IJM stop slavery at source

Be part of the movement to help slavery end for good!

Use our brand new event pack below, to get started!

*In our updated Fashion for Freedom handbook, we have adapted this event to work even during COVID-19 restrictions.

Fashion for Freedom pack >>

Host a Freedom Film Night Online or In-Person

In 'I am Brave' - a new 20-minute film - Joy shares her story of being exploited online, and invites us all to be part of stopping slavery for good.

By holding a screening (online or in-person where permitted!) and sharing Joy's story as part of a worship night, small group or dinner party, this event is an incredible way to engage people with the hard-hitting reality of slavery and provides a way for your community to join the fight to end it.

*In our updated Freedom Nights handbook, we have adapted this event to work even during COVID-19 restrictions.

Freedom Nights Pack >>

Across the nation, students are leading the charge in the growing movement to end slavery.

From hosting Stand for Freedom events, fundraisers, and justice-centred prayer nights, student leaders are taking actions that mean we could end slavery in our lifetime.

Nothing happens because we are aware of modern slavery, but nothing can happen until we are.

Gary Haugen CEO and Founder of IJM

Other Ways to Get Involved

IJM UK partners with Just Love
in the fight for justice.

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


Donor Portal

Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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