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Ground-breaking 78% reduction in child sex trafficking in Dominican Republic
Pioneering advance in protecting children from facing abusers in court
IJM has published the first definitive guide to conducting videotaped interviews (VIDI), shielding survivors from testifying in front of abusers.
What Aaron survived, no child should suffer
Help bring children like Aaron* to safety now from online sexual exploitation. Donate now.
Martha Collison celebrates IJM’s 25th birthday
We were thrilled to welcome Martha Collison, baker extraordinaire and youngest ever quarter finalist of the Great British Bake Off, to IJM’s 25th birthday party last night!
IJM joins the Coalition to Stop Slavery for Anti-Slavery Day
This Anti-Slavery Day, IJM is uniting with other UK charities to raise awareness and ban products tainted by modern slavery. Find out more and sign the petition.
Once a Child Labourer, Kumar Is Now Building Protection in His Country
Families’ Relief at Justice for Joseph, Josephat and Willie
Today, at long last, the wait for justice is over.
Listening to trafficking survivors like Sir Mo Farah is just the first step.
Sir Mo Farah has shown incredible courage by sharing his childhood experience of trafficking. His words should inspire us all to take action to support victims and survivors - and to stop trafficking for good.
We need to reach Ukrainian refugees now - before traffickers do
Update from Shawn Kohl, Director for Central and Eastern Europe, International Justice Mission.
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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