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Joint operation rescues 4 minors, arrests 2 suspects of online sexual exploitation of children
An Aussie police tip-off has led Philippine authorities to rescue 4 young children from cybersex trafficking and arrest their guardians. The 3 girls and 1 boy were aged between 2 and 8. Tragically, they were in the care of a couple who instead of protecting them, offered to livestream their sexual abuse in exchange for money.⠀
Social Media Helps IJM Partner NGO Rescue of 56 from a Brick Kiln
IJM and our casework partner Jai Bhim Vikas Shikshan Sansthan (JBVSS) supported a complicated rescue operation in the state of Haryana. Fifty-six people—including many young children and babies—were brought out of bondage at a brick kiln, aided by the use of social media during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Three Children Free from Child Trafficking in Ghana
During May's lockdown, police and IJM conducted an operation to bring three children, two boys and one girl, to safety from slavery on Lake Volta.
Fourteen Rescued from Bonded Labour at Construction Site
"I am FREE today" one survivor cried. The taste of joy after 4 years of bonded labour is unimaginable. These ten adults and children have finally been granted official release statements, and will be supported through IJM and partners aftercare services, on their long journey to restoration.
Trapped Garment Workers Reach out to Newspaper and 150 are Finally Rescued
Ever since India’s COVID-19 lockdown began, the world has been shaken by the stories of millions of migrant labourers stranded far from their homes and growing desperate without money, food or shelter. In many cases, these workers have been trapped at factories and worksites—as brutal business owners take advantage of the pandemic to extract more and more forced labour.
Forced to make silk saris she could never afford
The work at the silkworm factory was familiar, Chandramma had been making silk saris since she was 8 years old. But this time was different. When IJM found Chandramma, she had been locked away in a tiny, dark cell of the silk factory - her son suffering beside her - for 6 months. "Things got so desperate that I even thought of ending my life."
Government Releases Nearly 1200 Garment Factory Workers Confined during COVID-19
IJM and partners worked with local authorities on a case that brought freedom to nearly 1,200 garment factory workers who were trapped in forced labour during the COVID-19 lockdown. Out of these 1,200 workers, about 700 were teens and young women who had migrated from northern Indian states.
Sixty-Four Children Among Hundreds Brought to Safety at Brick Kiln During Lockdown
Earlier this week, IJM assisted local authorities in rescuing 281 people from bonded labour at a massive brick kiln. This included 64 children of all ages who were forced to mold heavy bricks alongside their parents.
IJM’s May COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 has undeniably shaken our entire global community. Despite the complications caused by restrictions on content and movement, our committed teams all around the world continue to fight for justice and provide support for those who need it most. We’d love to share their work with you, so here’s some highlights!
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