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Spring Champions News
Read the latest inspiring stories from Champions across the UK
COP26: Anti-Slavery organisations call for COP26 to address climate change and modern slavery
As COP26 unites world leaders to discuss climate action, we know that climate change is set to exacerbate already existing vulnerabilities to modern slavery. Therefore to tackle climate change, we must also tackle modern slavery.
Revisiting Worksites Shows IJM's Criminal Deterrence Method is Proving Sustainable and Effective
Revisiting six cases demonstrates IJM's model for criminal deterrence is proving effective. Effective law enforcement—including arresting, charging and convicting perpetrators—creates a long-term preventative effect among offenders and is now curbing exploitation in these worksites and others.
Launch of Marine Boat Patrol Pilot in Ghana
Last month, the Ghana Police Service launched a pilot unit that will begin patrolling the lake by boat, proactively investigating active cases of human trafficking in the fishing industry.
From Myanmar, to Thailand, to Cambodia: Brothers’ Journey Ends in Rescue from Abusive Employer
After being cheated and exploited for more than a year, two brothers from Myanmar are free and safely home.
UK Court Finds Trafficker Guilty of Exploiting Romanian Woman
A trafficker has been convicted for the trafficking and exploitation of a young Romanian woman, Antonia*, thanks to her powerful testimony in court and the advocacy of IJM Romania, MET Police and IJM partners.
Four children rescued from online sexual exploitation |
4 children were brought to SAFETY from #onlinechildsexualabuse, thanks to IJM and trained police. One male suspect (the uncle of the four victims) has been arrested on charges of their abuse.
IJM's Official Statement on Apple's Child Safety Measures
Apple’s recently announced proposal of new child safety measures has been the source of much debate. While the proposed new measures are imperfect, IJM believes that it is a positive step forward which should not be delayed.
Cardiff Coffee Business 'Manumit' Raises £10,000 to help end modern slavery
A rise in home-working culture has increased the demand for coffee which delivers. For coffee business Manumit, who employ survivors of slavery in their Cardiff roastery, this meant increased profits, which they choose to invest in anti-slavery organisations such as IJM UK.
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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