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Urgent Rescue of 360 People Sparks Mass Exodus from Brick Kilns
This week, IJM helped Indian law enforcement rescue 360 people from bonded labour at a notoriously brutal brick kiln—which then led to the release of nearly 7,000 other migrant workers who had been trapped during the COVID-19 lockdown.
“I was very strong and courageous... because I was speaking the truth.”
Sarah’s parents had always taught her to live peacefully with others. So when her partner became violent towards her, she didn’t know where to turn. Thanks to IJM's legal support, Sarah bravely testified in court against her abuser, and he was sentenced. We need your urgent help to protect women #UnsafeinLockdown during the Covid-19 crisis.
Suganya's Journey from Brick Kiln to Nursing Scholarship
Suganya was just a young girl when her parents became trapped in bonded labour at a brick kiln, and she spent years missing them desperately and worrying about their safety. Today, her family is free and thriving—and Suganya is realising her dream of caring for others in her community.
7 Ways Covid-19 Has Affected IJM's Work
The world is changing, but the work of justice is just as important as ever! In the midst of all the changes, we know this for certain: there is still reason to hope and still reason to keep fighting for justice.
Survivors Powerfully Respond to Covid-19 Needs In Local Communities
IJM teams across India have responded to the world's largest nationwide lockdown with compassion and rapid action, with released bonded labourers leading the response efforts.
Bablu's Story
Enjoy this brief glimpse into a life changed: a sweet little clip of baby Bablu figuring out if he likes cake, his adorable sister singing “Happy Birthday " to him, and an entire family celebrating love, freedom and joy.
Your Ethical Fashion Questions for Safia Minney
During SlaveFreeLent, we asked Safia Minney, CEO and founder of People Tree and leading ethical and sustainable fashion advocate, her top tips for moving towards a Slave-Free* lifestyle. Thank you to every one of you who sent your questions over Whatsapp in March 2020 to Safia to answer.
Change is Happening: 204 Rescued in a Single Day
Last week, IJM assisted local authorities in rescuing 204 children, women and men from two massive brick kilns near Bangalore. This is one of our largest joint operations ever and a promising sign of how the Indian government is stepping up against human trafficking in bold new ways.
Esther's Story Podcasts
From IJM comes The New Activist. A podcast series focusing on Esther's story: a tale of a little girl's rescue from slavery in Ghana's illegal fishing industry. Episodes feature unique interviews with Esther, her caseworker, IJM investigators and the IJM team in Ghana, providing unprecedented access to Esther’s story.Join us as we journey into the crushing reality of slavery and indomitable spirit of those who seek justice.
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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