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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

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IJM partners provide financial support for 166 OSEC Survivor Families
Hope is paramount to a survivor's journey to restoration. And, the Consuelo Foundation (CZAF), in collaboration with IJM, has been able to bring that hope to 166 families of OSEC survivors (online sexual exploitation of children) during the global pandemic.
13 children and 2 adults in Bislig City rescued from online sexual exploitation, 5 traffickers arrested
Online Sexual Exploitation of Children: Hidden in Plain Sight
A groundbreaking IJM Study reveals significant findings and recommends holistic solutions to curb this growing global crime.By John Tanagho, Director of IJM END OSEC Center
Joint operation rescues 4 minors, arrests 2 suspects of online sexual exploitation of children
An Aussie police tip-off has led Philippine authorities to rescue 4 young children from cybersex trafficking and arrest their guardians. The 3 girls and 1 boy were aged between 2 and 8. Tragically, they were in the care of a couple who instead of protecting them, offered to livestream their sexual abuse in exchange for money.⠀
Taguig online sex trafficker arrested, 7 children and one vulnerable adult rescued
Study reveals dramatic rise in the prevalence of internet-based child sexual exploitation in the Philippines
Police arrest online sex trafficker in Butuan City, rescue 13 victims and children at risk
Press Release: First Foreigner Convicted for Cybersex Trafficking Offences
Press Release 3 Children Brought to Safety, One Trafficker Arrested
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