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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

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Pioneering advance in protecting children from facing abusers in court
IJM has published the first definitive guide to conducting videotaped interviews (VIDI), shielding survivors from testifying in front of abusers.
New project identifies cases of online sexual exploitation of children in Kenya
What Aaron survived, no child should suffer
Help bring children like Aaron* to safety now from online sexual exploitation. Donate now.
Meta Campaign to Combat Sex Trafficking in the Philippines Reaches 10 Million Social Media Users
22 children and one adult brought to safety from online child sexual exploitation, 3 suspects arrested
Four children rescued from online sexual exploitation |
4 children were brought to SAFETY from #onlinechildsexualabuse, thanks to IJM and trained police. One male suspect (the uncle of the four victims) has been arrested on charges of their abuse.
IJM's Official Statement on Apple's Child Safety Measures
Apple’s recently announced proposal of new child safety measures has been the source of much debate. While the proposed new measures are imperfect, IJM believes that it is a positive step forward which should not be delayed.
Police rescue 4 minors and 1 adult, arrest 2 suspects in back-to-back operations against online sexual exploitation of children
'Falling Short'
Read IJM's report on how sentences for UK sex offenders who livestream sexual abuse of Filipino children do not fit the crime.
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