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Hero Land Theft

Land Theft

For poor families, a house and a small patch of land are often their only source of shelter, food and desperately needed income. But for many people in poverty—particularly widowed women and orphaned children—even this fragile foundation is not safe as they experience land theft.

In Africa, land theft often happens after the death of a husband or father, when widows and orphans are particularly vulnerable. Powerful relatives or neighbours often steal their meagre property with violence or lies, and the surviving widow or orphans are left homeless and stripped of their belongings.

Women in developing countries are particularly at risk of land theft, especially in contexts in which they are viewed as less valuable, subordinate or even as property themselves.

“I couldn’t send my kids to school before, and now I can send them to school and be safe in my home.”

Rose IJM Uganda client restored to her home​​

"With limited and insecure land rights, it is difficult, if not impossible, for the poor to overcome poverty."

Dr. Hamid Rashid United Nations

Grace's Story

The Facts
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