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Man convicted for intimate partner violence in Uganda

A man has received the maximum sentence for domestic violence in Uganda after physically assaulting his estranged wife, Aloyo*.

The Chief Magistrates Court in Gulu found the perpetrator guilty of assaulting Aloyo using a metallic rod after she tried to stop him from taking away one of their young children.

Aloyo had also endured abuse by her partner several times previously. She faced challenges in reporting the case to the police and some of her in-laws did not believe her.

Aloyo said she was grateful that IJM listened to her and supported her in seeking justice in court.

The accused pleaded guilty and was eventually sentenced to prison. The court also restrained his relatives from further intimidating Aloyo.

Aloyo was overjoyed upon the news of the sentence.  “I can now finally sleep!” she remarked.

IJM works to combat violence against women and children in Uganda, Kenya, Guatemala, Bolivia, El Salvador, Colombia, and Peru.

Thanks to the support of people like you, we’ve helped survivors achieve justice in more than 4,500 cases.

Find out more about our work to protect women and children from violence


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