IJM delivers petition from UK residents urging new UN measures to safeguard justice
New York, USA: Tuesday 9th June 2015
Terry Tennens, Chief Executive for International Justice Mission (IJM) UK, today met in New York with Ambassador Martin Shearman from the UK Mission to the United Nations (UN), to deliver over 8,000 signatures from supporters in the UK who wish to see the UN include justice measures in their new Sustainable Development Goals.
Public justice systems that reliably and professionally protect the vulnerable - especially women and children - from violence and exploitation are an essential component of sustainable development. Despite this, the Millennium Development Goals failed to include any reference to justice, rule of law, or anti-violence measures.
As part of IJM’s campaign for change, Tennens today delivered 8,092 petitions from UK residents urging General-Secretary Ban Ki-Moon to support the following initiatives as part of the UN’s new Sustainable Development Goals, which will be published in September:
- Eliminate all forms of violence against children
- Ensure that justice institutions are accessible, independent, well-resourced and respect due-process rights
- Enhance the capacity, professionalism and accountability of the security forces, police and judiciary
“This is a milestone for international development”, said Tennens. “For the first time, the issue of everyday violence against the poor is being recognised as equally critical as education, health, and clean water in efforts to eradicate poverty. The UK has promoted the importance of rule of law since Prime Minister Cameron was co-chair of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons, and we are delighted that the UK Mission to the UN continues to champion this cause.”
Since early 2014, IJM has joined global development groups, civil society groups and women's organisations to encourage the UN to pursue initiatives that ensure the safety of those in poverty.