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Convictions for violence against women in Uganda

February 2024

IJM is celebrating justice for several women who experienced violence in Uganda – including young mothers Britney* and Charlotte*.

23-year-old Britney only wanted her husband to help care for their twin girls and baby. She couldn't afford to provide for their basic needs on her own.

But whenever Britney asked for her husband’s support, he would assault her. More than once, she reached out to police officials for help - to no avail.

Until, thanks to the support of people like you, IJM worked with local authorities to bring Britney to safety and provide support for her young family.

The perpetrator was arrested and convicted – protecting Britney and sending a strong message:

“This case will create awareness in the community where the couple lived that physical assault is a crime.” – IJM Legal Coordinator, Uganda

In another shocking case, Charlotte nearly lost her life when her ex-partner attacked her.

Trying to escape his violence, Charlotte had moved out with their two children. But one night, her ex-partner turned up drunk at her home and began abusing her landlord.

When Charlotte bravely stepped out to intervene, he tried to kill her.

Alongside providing vital support to Charlotte, IJM worked with authorities to ensure her ex-partner was convicted for attempted murder in a swift trial.

“The case was fully tried within three months, showing that the judiciary is beginning to prioritise gender-based violence cases.” - IJM Legal Coordinator, Uganda

Learn more about IJM's work to protect women and children from violence >>

*Stock image: not representative of Britney or Charlotte.

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