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707 people in South Asia starting 2023 in freedom

Over 700 people in one district in South Asia were brought to freedom from trafficking by IJM-trained police officers at the end of 2022.

The run up to a new year is one of the riskiest times for low-income workers in South Asia.

As industries begin recruiting people for manual labour, human traffickers deceive people with false job offers and trap them in slavery.

But having received training from IJM on spotting the signs of trafficking, police officers intercepted 65 traffickers at train and bus stations as they tried to transport families across the country into abusive businesses.

Without your support, 707 people could be starting this year trapped in slavery in brick kilns, farms, and factories.

Instead, police were equipped to recognise signs of exploitation and bring them to safety.

Their proactive response shows the government’s increasing ownership of the issue of human trafficking.

What's more, police have shared about their successful operations on social media - marking one of the first times they have spoken openly about trafficking for bonded labour.

In the past, many government agencies were hesitant to discuss labour trafficking openly, but today they are confidently making it a priority.

Operations like this give us confidence that, together with police, survivors, and supporters, even more people can be brought to safety from trafficking in 2023.

And together we’re taking important steps closer to a world where people are never exploited in the first place.

*Image from previous IJM operation in same state, South Asia.

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