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Stop Forced Scamming Now

A new, brutal form of slavery is growing fast as featured in the BBC documentary 'Hunting the Catfish Crime Gang'. Donate now to stop it:

Right now, victims are being trafficked, trapped and forced to scam people like you and me - under the threat of brutal violence.

Forced scamming is rapidly spreading in South East Asia, as reported recently in the BBC Three documentary 'Hunting the Catfish Crime Gang' and global news outlets including The Guardian, the BBC and The Economist. UK banks are warning of huge increases in online scams.

This crime affects all of us. We urgently need your help to stop it.

Donate now to stop forced scamming:

Thousands of victims are trapped in compounds surrounded by electric fences.

Unable to escape, they're being forced to scam people around the world.

"The supervisor electrocuted one of my colleagues after making a mistake."

Deceived by a false job offer, 45-year-old Miracle* was trafficked to a scamming compound in Cambodia.

To her horror, Miracle was forced to create false profiles and persuade people around the world to invest in cryptocurrency scams.

More survivors share horrifying stories of torture, starvation and suspicious deaths.

Donate now >>

We need to act now. Will you help bring people like Miracle to safety from forced scamming?

It's urgent we stop this crime. IJM is one of the leading organisations responding to this new form of trafficking.

Working with authorities, we’ve already helped make a significant impact in Cambodia by bringing over 350 people to safety from scamming compounds.

Thanks to the support of people like you, IJM partnered with police to bring Miracle to safety.

“I could not imagine what would have happened if the police came too late.” Miracle

IJM supported Miracle to return home safely to Indonesia and testify in court resulting in the conviction of three traffickers.

More people like Miracle urgently need your help.

Here’s how your gift could help:

  • £8 could provide essential food for a survivor of forced scamming, many of whom have had limited access to food or even faced starvation.
  • £48 could help fund a day of investigations for IJM and local police to find and bring people to safety.
  • £240 could pay for vital trauma counselling for survivors of slavery.
  • £607 could cover the cost of a legal team for a week as they work to hold traffickers to account.

There are victims at every level of this crime, from the people trafficked and made to scam, to people in places like the UK who are losing life savings.

It needs to stop – now.

*Pseudonyms are used to protect survivor identities.

Image credits:

Illustration: Anna Bonsignorio Art.

Satellite image: Maxar Technologies.

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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