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Kevin Popely 2022 09 23 134010 hhiq 2022 09 23 134045 ldaz

In memory of Kevin Popely

In memory of Kevin - a family man and friend to many.

Kevin was a fun, faith-filled, family man and friend to many. Kevin was husband to me, Rachel, for 34 years and Dad to Sarah, Jonny and Benj, he was absolutely in our corner. Kevin did life crazily well and was taken suddenly and unexpectedly far too soon. We’re so grateful for the love, messages and kindnesses of family and friends which have been such a support to us in these days.

Flowers weren’t his thing but supporting causes that mattered was. Kevin championed the work of International Justice Mission, attending gala fundraisers and supporting IJM’s response to human trafficking and modern slavery.

A donation to IJM in Kevin’s memory will support IJM’s European Anti-Trafficking Programme where the need has accelerated due to the war in Ukraine.

Thank you,

Rachel Popely

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