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The Freedom Challenge: An Escape Room Style Adventure

A new, innovative escape-room style challenge designed for youth leaders and young people, with Youthscape - sign up now!

IJM have teamed up with one of the UK's leading youth agencies, Youthscape, to design The Freedom Challenge: an innovative, immersive escape-room style adventure designed for young people and youth groups.

What is The Freedom Challenge?

A cutting-edge escape-room style challenge designed for a generation of youth to engage in justice.

Through solving puzzles, cracking codes, uncovering stories, The Freedom Challenge will introduce you and your youth group to the work of IJM, the urgent problem of slavery across the world, and how you can play your part in ending it.

How does it work? Hear from people who have completed 'The Freedom Challenge'

Watch 'The Freedom Challenge' Promo Video

What will you get in your event kit?

In your event kit, you will find everything you need to set up your escape-room style adventure:

  • A host guide taking you step-by-step through the whole experience;
  • A USB stick containing puzzles, props, soundtracks, videos and three follow-on sessions to explore God’s heart for justice;
  • Wristbands for those who manage to complete the challenge to wear proudly!
  • Three bonus follow-on sessions to help your youth group take a deeper dive into the call to seek justice, as they continue their justice-discipleship journey.

Will you take on The Freedom Challenge?

Get your Freedom Challenge resources now!

Sign up now to receive your Freedom Challenge event kit and invite your youth group to join the movement to end slavery and violence, for good.

Would you be interested in receiving a free USB stick with resources to run the Freedom Challenge?

(If you click 'yes' to receive a free USB stick, please note that the USB will be sent to you in the post and your postal information will be shared with Youthscape. You will also be able to access these resources online.)

Finally, would you like to keep up to date with IJM's latest news, stories and opportunities to get involved?

By submitting your data you agree for IJM to process your sensitive personal data as per our privacy policy.

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


Donor Portal

Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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