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Trafficker sentenced to 7 years in prison


Trafficker sentenced to 7 years in prison

Two survivors of sex trafficking in Mumbai received justice after a trafficker was convicted for exploiting women and girls.

April 2022

Back in 2015, police in South Asia led an operation at a brothel in the Kamathipura red-light district, aided by information provided by IJM. The operation found two people - one of whom was only 16-years-old - who had been trafficked and were experiencing frequent verbal and physical abuse.

IJM and police helped bring both people to safety. IJM’s social workers supported their long-term rehabilitation at an aftercare shelter, while our legal team assisted the Government to hold their abuser accountable under the law.

The legal case was handed over to IJM’s partner Justice Ventures International (JVI), who helped pursue justice for the survivors in court. The prosecutor relied heavily on strong arguments drafted by IJM staff in support of the survivors.

The survivors testified boldly against the trafficker, sharing the truth about what had happened to them.

Due to the frequent transfer of judges and prosecutors, and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the final conviction took over six years.

In April 2022, the trafficker was sentenced to seven years in prison and ordered to pay a fine of 15,000 rupees (about $195), and the brothel was ordered to be permanently shut.

This is the 113th conviction in IJM’s anti-sex trafficking programme in Mumbai.

IJM is grateful for the diligence of police in following up on the case, the victim-sensitivity of judges and prosecutors, the close cooperation of shelter home staff who supported the survivors until they were restored, and the determination of our partners at JVI who saw the case through to this important conclusion.

*Stock images used to protect survivors' identities.

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