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South Asia

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Government Releases Nearly 1200 Garment Factory Workers Confined during COVID-19
IJM and partners worked with local authorities on a case that brought freedom to nearly 1,200 garment factory workers who were trapped in forced labour during the COVID-19 lockdown. Out of these 1,200 workers, about 700 were teens and young women who had migrated from northern Indian states.
Sixty-Four Children Among Hundreds Brought to Safety at Brick Kiln During Lockdown
Earlier this week, IJM assisted local authorities in rescuing 281 people from bonded labour at a massive brick kiln. This included 64 children of all ages who were forced to mold heavy bricks alongside their parents.
Urgent Rescue of 360 People Sparks Mass Exodus from Brick Kilns
This week, IJM helped Indian law enforcement rescue 360 people from bonded labour at a notoriously brutal brick kiln—which then led to the release of nearly 7,000 other migrant workers who had been trapped during the COVID-19 lockdown.
IJM Odisha has supported more than 1,500 families - including stranded migrant labourers
Suganya's Journey from Brick Kiln to Nursing Scholarship
Suganya was just a young girl when her parents became trapped in bonded labour at a brick kiln, and she spent years missing them desperately and worrying about their safety. Today, her family is free and thriving—and Suganya is realising her dream of caring for others in her community.
5 Boys Rescued Despite India's Covid-19 Lockdown
IJM and Partners Support 500 Migrants Stranded By Covid-19 Lockdown
Survivors Powerfully Respond to Covid-19 Needs In Local Communities
IJM teams across India have responded to the world's largest nationwide lockdown with compassion and rapid action, with released bonded labourers leading the response efforts.
50 Survivors (including 20 Children) Educated on Covid-19, and Provided With Medical Care and Housing
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