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Two traffickers jailed for exploiting Romanian women in the UK
A husband and wife have been jailed at Southwark Crown Court after being convicted of numerous counts of human trafficking against Romanian women, who had been deceived into coming to the UK with the promise of work.
Ukraine Crisis Appeal
NGOs including IJM are warning of an 'acute risk of exploitation' for vulnerable women and children fleeing the war in Ukraine. Our team on the ground in Romania urgently need support to stop trafficking and protect women and children from violence. Your gift now could provide urgent support and prevent trafficking on the Ukrainian border and beyond.
Ukraine Conflict: IJM Romania's Response
February 2022: As the tragic situation in Ukraine unfolds, we are aware of the possibility that over time there will be increased vulnerability and risk of trafficking of persons. Bordering countries such as Romania are set to receve thousands of refugees. IJM Romania has begun to offer support.
IJM Romania identifies critical gap that often leaves survivors of trafficking losing their rights
In a rare victory, a young woman who was trafficked to London for sexual exploitation was awarded monetary compensation.
Antonia*, Romanian Trafficking Survivor, Awarded Compensation by UK Court
UK Court Finds Trafficker Guilty of Exploiting Romanian Woman
A trafficker has been convicted for the trafficking and exploitation of a young Romanian woman, Antonia*, thanks to her powerful testimony in court and the advocacy of IJM Romania, MET Police and IJM partners.
Romanian Survivor Bravely Escapes Trafficker in the UK, Receives Support from Church during COVID-19
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