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Bonded Labour

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Five families freed from bonded labour at a wood-cutting site
Mallesh: Story Update
Mallesh was 8 years old when he was brutally enslaved on a rose farm. Today, he’s choosing to use his freedom to free others. He said: “I want to have the power to help others. Imagine putting a full stop to child labour."
Twenty Years Enslaved at a Mango Farm – Now Free
Survivor Leaders in the Released Bonded Labourers Association (RBLA) rallied authorities to rescue a couple who had been enslaved at a mango farm for about 20 years. IJM had known about this couple since 2016, but they were always too scared to ever share the truth about their experience, due to the power of the owner.
Young Couple Rescued from Bondage & Death Threats at a Brick Kiln
Finally freed: the young couple who had been enslaved at a brick kiln for three years were rescued thanks to IJM's partnership with Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) and local authorities. The young woman was 3 months pregnant. The owner had refused to let them leave and demanded they pay him $1,333 or he'd kill them with a motorbike. Terrified, the couple managed to contact relatives, who passed the case to FSD.
Father Sacrifices All for Daughters to become Family Firsts in Higher Education
Once struggling to make ends meet, survivor Sanjeevi now beams with pride. 10 years ago, he was rescued with his wife and children from a life of bonded labour in a brutal rice mill. Today, he stands tall: knowing his two daughters will be the first in the family to pursue higher education.
IJM partner brings 111 people to safety in 10 days
Fourteen Rescued from Bonded Labour at Construction Site
"I am FREE today" one survivor cried. The taste of joy after 4 years of bonded labour is unimaginable. These ten adults and children have finally been granted official release statements, and will be supported through IJM and partners aftercare services, on their long journey to restoration.
Trapped Garment Workers Reach out to Newspaper and 150 are Finally Rescued
Ever since India’s COVID-19 lockdown began, the world has been shaken by the stories of millions of migrant labourers stranded far from their homes and growing desperate without money, food or shelter. In many cases, these workers have been trapped at factories and worksites—as brutal business owners take advantage of the pandemic to extract more and more forced labour.
Forced to make silk saris she could never afford
The work at the silkworm factory was familiar, Chandramma had been making silk saris since she was 8 years old. But this time was different. When IJM found Chandramma, she had been locked away in a tiny, dark cell of the silk factory - her son suffering beside her - for 6 months. "Things got so desperate that I even thought of ending my life."
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