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Make #SlaveFree Normal Series

Welcome! Through this six-part video series,
we'll explore exploitation in the supply chains of major industries like cocoa and fashion,
and hear from survivors, activists, businesses and IJM staff on how to create lasting change.

Episode One: Slavery in our Everyday

We are unavoidably connected to slavery through the supply chains of our most ordinary items. Tea, coffee, or the shoes on our feet are just some of the products that are likely to have been produced by people in forced labour.

But change is possible.

Get inspired by activists and learn how we can build a better world, together.

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Episode 2: The Bitter Truth Behind Coffee

In 2020, Channel 4 reported children as young as eight picking beans for suppliers of global coffee chains. The majority of coffee producers work in low- and middle-income countries, and today's coffee producers are among the most vulnerable members of the supply chain.

This week, hear these top tips to find out if your morning cup of coffee was brewed fairly...

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Episode Three: The Fishing Industry

In this episode, Deena and Joel explore the murky waters of the fishing industry... and how forced labour can be deeply entrenched in our global supply chains.

Hear from IJM's Field Office Director in Thailand and more...


Episode 4: Fashion - The Price We Pay

Do you know the true cost of what you wear?

Fashion is one of the world's largest employers, but it is largely built on the back of exploitative and inhumane practices.

Learn how we can change fashion for good as we hear from fashion pioneers like Safia Minney and change-makers including Anyango Mpinga.

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Week 5: Cocoa - The Darker Side

The cocoa industry is not as sweet as you may think.

Forced child labour and child trafficking are extremely prevalent in the cocoa industry. Clearly, the chocolate industry has a way to go. In this week's episode, learn from experts what needs to change and what you can do to take action:

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Future Change 🙌🏽

In the final episode of Make #SlaveFree Normal, we look at the tech industry, and hear how we can be the change that we want to see to build safer, fairer futures for all. Hear from Pachaiyammal, who has a final challenge for us: “I invite each of you to join hands to fight against slavery.”

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Join the Movement

The very best way to join hands with Pachaiyammal and IJM in this fight to end slavery is by becoming an IJM Freedom Partner.

The hope of a world without slavery and violence really can be made possible, when we partner together.

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You've made it this far! Don't let the journey stop here...

International Justice Mission is the largest international anti-slavery organisation.

We would love you to join us as together we fight to end slavery in our lifetime.
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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