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Man sentenced to 22 years in prison in UK sex trafficking case

March 2024

A human trafficker, who sexually exploited 19-year-old Mara* in the UK and repeatedly assaulted her himself, has just been jailed for a total of 22 years.

The man, who was sentenced last year to eight-years in prison for trafficking her to the UK, was given an additional 14-year sentence at Birmingham Crown Court, after being found guilty of rape in a re-trial.

DC Andrew Jones from West Midlands Police said: "This young woman was subjected to vile abuse, fear and sexual violence by people who exploited her after she mistakenly believed they could offer her decent prospects in the UK.

"We worked closely with International Justice Mission, to ensure she has been given the most suitable support as we guided her through the process of bringing her tormentors before the courts.

“With the culmination of these sentencings we hope this brave young woman can begin to recover and find some peace.”

The trafficker and his parents had tricked Mara into travelling to the UK.
But the promise of a better life was a lie and they instead forced her into sexual exploitation at their home and other places in the UK, taking the money for themselves.

They subjected her to physical and verbal abuse, frequently beating her during the seven-month ordeal.

After one particularly brutal assault, Mara managed to escape. A neighbour called the police, who arrested the traffickers as they attempted to flee.

West Midlands Police worked with IJM to compile evidence against the three traffickers and support Mara through the court process.

Shawn Kohl, director for IJM’s European Anti-Trafficking Program said: "We are grateful for a strong partnership with West Midlands police for their role in making justice a reality."

*Pseudonym. Image of actor used to protect survivor

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