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Justice for eight children who were trafficked for sex

Eight children trafficked for sex in South Asia have received justice.

21 men have been convicted for paying to exploit children, in a significant legal victory. The case started in 2017, when IJM and police brought eight young girls to safety from a hotel, where they had been trapped in sexual exploitation.

While the trial faced many challenges, eight survivors of abuse have now received justice. One of the girls shared how encouraged she was by the verdict. Throughout the trial, each girl has been supported in a private aftercare shelter.

Three reasons why this case demonstrates progress in South Asia

IJM South Asia has been providing training to police, judges and other community leaders – including the authorities investigating this case – to recognise and respond to trafficking. Now:

1. Child sex offenders are being held to account

Achieving 21 convictions of this kind is 'an unprecedented phenomenon’, a public prosecutor shared.

2. Traffickers are being brought to justice more quickly

Trafficking cases in this city used to take at least 10 years to receive justice in court. Now the average IJM case takes only 3.5 years to conclude, showing an increased understanding and response to human trafficking.

3. Survivor testimonies are being listened to

Key justice officials who were once disinterested and insensitive during cases are now prioritising victim-sensitivity in court, and are more informed and dedicated than ever to seeking accountability for abuse.

Ultimately, strong justice systems mean that perpetrators are deterred and more children will be protected from abuse. This is the kind of sustainable change you help to enable when you support IJM.

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Sadhna woke up—disoriented, naked and afraid.

Read how your support changes lives. Your donations help IJM give child survivors of sex trafficking the chance to enjoy their childhood, and find their dreams and chase them.

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