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Justice for 16-year-old Ivy* in Uganda

January 2024

Three men have been convicted and sentenced to 21 years in prison for sexual assault and aggravated robbery.

Last year, Ivy and her sister were walking home from a wedding when four men they knew attacked them.

The men grabbed Ivy and dragged her to a bush where they sexually assaulted her.

In vain, Ivy’s sister desperately tried to stop them but the men turned on her, stealing her phone and money.

Following the vicious assault, Ivy had difficulty standing, walking, and sitting. Despite this pain, she courageously reported the incident to the police and identified the men.

Determined that Ivy would see justice, IJM supported the police to investigate the crime.

This included visiting the crime scene to collect evidence, identifying witnesses and recording statements.

The men pleaded guilty.

In a victory for a justice, they were each sentenced to 13 years in prison for sexual assault followed by eight years in prison for aggravated robbery.

Ivy is now on a journey to healing. Thanks to the support of people like you, IJM’s aftercare team will walk with her for as long as she needs.

Learn more about how IJM stops violence against women and children >>

*Pseudonym and stock image used to protect survivor.

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