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IJM supports the launch of a new trauma-informed care project in Honduras

October 2023

Honduras has the highest femicide rate in Latin America (Gender Equality Observatory of ECLAC). In response to this pressing need, IJM El Salvador and IJM Guatemala are supporting the launch of a new project in Honduras.

The initiative focuses on collaborating with the Honduran Public Justice System to better serve survivors with a Trauma-Informed Care approach.

What is trauma-informed care?

Trauma-Informed Care refers to how organisations and service providers respond to survivors of trauma. It encompasses an understanding of the prevalence of trauma, its impact on survivors and the complex path to recovery.

Under this agreement, staff of Honduran public justice system institutions will attend a series of training that will equip them to interact with women and children who have survived violence.

We’ve seen that when officials who interact with survivors understand the impact of Trauma-Informed Care, it becomes easier to:

  • communicate effectively with survivors
  • get survivors the help they need
  • obtain justice for survivors
  • reduce the risk of being negatively affected by others' trauma

As a result, women and children will be encouraged to pursue justice.

IJM also signed agreements with two grassroots organizations committed to women’s Human Rights protection. IJM will support their efforts to build survivor networks that empower women and children in their communities.

Adelina Vásquez, Director of Human Development Center, expressed in excitement, “This opportunity helps us to coordinate with the justice system. It is a great opportunity for indigenous women.”  

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