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IJM joins with Nottingham University for new research on modern slavery and climate change

June 6th 2023:

Academics from Nottingham University’s Rights Lab and School of Geography are working with anti-slavery organisation Transparentem and IJM UK to explore how governments can integrate climate change and modern slavery policies to better protect people, funded by the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (Modern Slavery PEC),

Mary Sebastian, Programme Impact Specialist at IJM UK, said: “Through International Justice Mission’s frontline work to stop modern slavery, we have seen how the violent practice of slavery often goes hand-in-hand with environmental destruction; as well, we've seen how climate-induced forced migration increases vulnerability to trafficking and exploitation.

This critical research will explore the need for the convergence of climate change and modern slavery policies in the UK, while meaningfully raising the profile of the nexus of both issues in discussions beyond. We are looking forward to seeing the outcomes of this project with the Rights Lab and Transparentem."

The research team is led by Dr Bethany Jackson in the Rights Lab and made up of: Dr Meghan Alexander, Assistant Professor in Human Geography (School of Geography); Vicky Brotherton Rights Lab Head of Policy Engagement and Impact; Dr Doreen Boyd, Professor of Earth Observation (School of Geography); and Esther Weir, Rights Lab Research Fellow in Antislavery Civil Society.

Read the full press release here.

More information is available from Dr Bethany Jackson in the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham at [email protected]

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