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14 children brought to safety from online sexual exploitation, 4 suspects arrested

14 CHILDREN BROUGHT TO SAFETY, 4 SUSPECTS ARRESTED, after an urgent rescue operation against online sexual exploitation on May 7th in Camarines Sur, Philippines. One victim was only two years old. The children are now under the care of the local social welfare office.

Online sexual exploitation is a borderless crime facilitated by the internet and the dark web. Children are abused in real-time, and there is nothing virtual about the crime. The rescue and arrests this week are thanks to continued collaboration between IJM, local Philippines police and PICACC, the Philippines Internet Crime Against Children Centre.

Evidence seized during the operation were digital devices containing several child sexual exploitation materials; a sex toy; and several money transfer receipts showing foreigners as senders.

This is a global crime which requires a global response. Learn more about IJM's Center to End Online Sexual Exploitation of Children at

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Hope is infectious. Four years ago, Crystal* found hope when she was brought to safety from online sexual exploitation, alongside 10 other children. Today, with support from IJM and people like you, Crystal is advocating to stop this crime and giving hope to more children trapped in abuse.

“I want to let others know how I endured my past.” - Zoey's story

Zoey* overcame child trafficking and abuse. Today, she's passionate about sharing her story to help protect more children.

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