Modern slavery affects 50 million people around the world
What is modern slavery?
Modern slavery goes beyond just bad working conditions for little to no pay. People trapped in slavery often face physical, verbal and sexual abuse, and cannot leave to find other work or protect their families.
In IJM's cases, we have met people in slavery who report being beaten, gang-raped, locked in tiny rooms, starved and even forced to witness murder.
The ILO's latest estimates indicate there are 50 million people in situations of modern slavery on any given day - this is nearly one in every 150 people in the world.
How does IJM work to stop slavery?
IJM works with global partners and police to protect people from modern slavery in South Asia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Ghana, Kenya, and Romania.
Together, we've helped bring 49,168 people to safety from slavery and helped convict 1,318 traffickers.
Modern Slavery: Hear From Survivors
Modern slavery and trafficking at a glance

1 in 130 women and girls are living in slavery today.
Women and girls around the world are disproportionately victims of exploitation and modern slavery. [1] Walk Free, Stacked Odds Report, 2020

1 in 4 victims of modern slavery are children.
Children are vulnerable to some of the worst forms of modern-day slavery like being trafficked into forced labour on farms and fishing boats, and into the online sexual exploitation of children.

86% of forced labour takes place in the private economy—homes, businesses, and global supply chains.
Some of our most-used items like coffee, electronics, and clothing are likely to be affected by slavery. In fact, as many as 77% of UK businesses believe there is a likelihood of slavery at some stage in their supply chain.
[3] Ethical Trading Initiative, 2018
Everyone trapped in modern slavery is a person with a name, a story and a dream.
Modern Slavery is Prevalent Across the World
Source: Global Slavery Index, 2016