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Modern slavery affects 50 million people around the world

What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery goes beyond just bad working conditions for little to no pay. People trapped in slavery often face physical, verbal and sexual abuse, and cannot leave to find other work or protect their families.

In IJM's cases, we have met people in slavery who report being beaten, gang-raped, locked in tiny rooms, starved and even forced to witness murder.

The ILO's latest estimates indicate there are 50 million people in situations of modern slavery on any given day - this is nearly one in every 150 people in the world.

How does IJM work to stop slavery?

IJM works with global partners and police to protect people from modern slavery in South Asia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Ghana, Kenya, and Romania.

Together, we've helped bring 49,168 people to safety from slavery and helped convict 1,318 traffickers.

Learn more about how IJM combats slavery

Modern Slavery: Hear From Survivors

Maarko* was a 7-year-old boy sexually abused for people to watch online —a crime called online sexual exploitation of children.

He dreamed of being like his hero Superman, but had no way out. IJM and authorities brought Maarko to safety from online sexual exploitation and his abusers have been prosecuted.

Gowri wanted to support her children and pay their bills, so she took out a loan from a factory owner.

The owner continually increased the loan, violently forcing her family to continue working long hours for him - a form of modern slavery. After nearly 10 years, IJM was able to help authorities bring them to safety.

Modern slavery and trafficking at a glance

Everyone trapped in modern slavery is a person with a name, a story and a dream.

Foli* was a young boy forced to work 19-hour days on his uncle’s fishing boat.

He prayed to God for safety and a chance to escape. After the local police freed him, he was able to go to school and play football again.

Elsa* was deceived and forced into a life of sexual exploitation

After losing her parents at 12 years old, Elsa was determined to find work and support her brothers. A local bar owner offered her a job, but it was a trap. For years, she faced countless nights of sexual exploitation. Thanks to supporters like you, we were able to help police free Elsa and bring her to safety.

Modern Slavery is Prevalent Across the World

Source: Global Slavery Index, 2016

IJM is one of the largest international anti-slavery organisations in the world.

We work with local law enforcement to find and bring to freedom people who are trapped in slavery.
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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