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Children online sexual exploitation philippines

Child Trafficking

What is child trafficking?

Child trafficking is a form of modern slavery. It involves the movement and control of a child, with the aim of exploiting them. Right now, 1 in 4 victims of modern day slavery are children, that's around 12 million children.

Examples of child trafficking include sexual exploitation, forced labour or other practices including organ harvesting.

Child trafficking affects children all around the world, including in the UK. It often involves trickery and deception, as seen in the recent story of British sports icon, Mo Farah, who revealed he was trafficked to the UK as a child.

IJM works with local authorities and communities to protect children from trafficking in South Asia, Ghana, Kenya and the Philippines.

We help police bring children who are being exploited to safety, as well as supporting survivors with trauma-informed care. We also work to make sure that abusers are held to account and work alongside authorities to build effective justice systems that protect children, long term.

Powerful survivors such as Godwin, Kashi* and Joy* are leading the movement, and as they speak up against trafficking and exploitation, silence and stigmas are broken.

Learn more

What is the difference between child labour and child trafficking?
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