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Sex offender sentenced to life in prison in Kenya

September 2024

12-year-old Vee* recently received justice, after the man who sexually abused her was sentenced to life in prison.

When IJM met Vee in 2018, she was ‘highly traumatised and needed urgent help.’ IJM provided Vee with a specialised form of counselling to address her post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

For several years, Vee made great strides in her recovery: she built positive relationships and performed well in her school exams.

But then, a devastating setback occurred: the perpetrator's family made contact with her. This interference triggered a heart-wrenching regression in Vee's progress. Her fragile self-esteem and emotional stability were shattered.

IJM was devastated to hear that Vee had run away from home. We began to search for her – but tragically, the same man abused Vee again before IJM could reach her.

Thanks to the support of people like you, IJM didn’t give up. Our team worked with authorities to bring Vee to safety and, with IJM’s support, she managed to testify in court – leading to a sentence of life imprisonment. 

"Vee's recovery was hanging in the balance and highly dependent on the court's outcome. I am so grateful for this outcome; we can now help Vee rebuild her life one step at a time.” - Esther, IJM Kenya social worker

With the right support and a safe environment, Vee can now fully heal and reclaim her life. Her story is a reminder that recovery from trauma can take years, and requires long-term, dedicated support.

Find out more about IJM’s work to stop violence against children and women >>


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