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Football coach sentenced to 30 years in prison for sexual abuse

December 2024

Thanks to the powerful testimony of 13-year-old Liam*, a football coach has just been sentenced to 30 years in prison for sexual abuse in Kenya.

Every child deserves to feel safe and protected. But that safety was shattered when Liam was sexually abused by a man he trusted at the age of six.

Threatened not to tell anyone, Liam was left fearful and withdrawn. When IJM learned of Liam's case, a team of advocates and counsellors immediately began working to ensure he received the support and justice he deserved.

"We helped the family relocate to a safe location, supported them in paying rent several times, and provided intensive psychosocial support and medical care." - Esther, IJM Kenya

IJM accompanied Liam’s family to court and supported them throughout the lengthy court case.

When the accused jumped bail and absconded, IJM assisted in his re-arrest. His bail was cancelled, and he remained in remand until the conclusion of the case.

"We accompanied the family to court, prepping them several times because the case took so long. Finally, Liam was able to testify and he did so well.” - Esther

The court acknowledged Liam’s bravery, stating, “The man exploited his role to prey on an innocent child who had placed his trust in him.”

The magistrate was persuaded by the testimonies and evidence presented in court, including evidence from IJM advocates. This showed that the offense had deeply affected Liam's family psychologically, with his parents blaming themselves for not protecting him.

Liam is now safe and can grow up in an environment free from abuse. IJM is helping his parents understand trauma and its effects, so that they can best support Liam as he continues to heal.

With the support of his family, Liam is continuing his studies and looking forward to a brighter future filled with hope and possibilities.

Children who have experienced abuse urgently need support to recover and find hope for the future.

Give this Christmas to help children like Liam heal and find joy again >>

*Pseudonym. Image not representative of survivor.

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