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Young mum trafficked to the UK for sexual exploitation

May 2024

A young woman from Romania narrowly avoided sexual exploitation in the UK, after she was trafficked to Northern Ireland.

Wanting to build a better life for her two young children, Debora* followed a job opportunity to the UK.

But when she arrived, she quickly discovered the job offer was a scam. To her horror, she realised she was in danger: traffickers were planning to sexually exploit her.

Debora managed to escape and find help. The police contacted IJM, who - with partners - provided Debora with urgent medical, legal and psychological support.

With Debora’s assistance, a Joint Investigation Team between Northern Irish and Romanian authorities was set up to gather evidence, working closely with IJM, the UK National Crime Agency and other partners.

As a result, police arrested three suspects and identified six more young women trapped in exploitation.

“These young women have been treated appallingly,” said Detective Inspector Miskelly. “The money made at their expense lines the pockets of the crime group.”

IJM is working on the frontlines to help stop sex trafficking in Northern Ireland and across the UK. Together, we can protect more women like Debora.

Find out more >>

*Pseudonym. Stock image used to protect survivor:

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