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28 children safe from online sexual exploitation

November 2024

Authorities in the Philippines have charged a man with the alleged abuse of over 100 Filipino children, aged between 9 and 11 years old.

The Philippine Internet Crimes Against Children Centre (PICACC) stated that 28 children have been brought to safety by Philippine authorities.

General Manalad, Chief of the Philippine National Police - Women and Children Protection Center said that “whilst the arrest of this man is significant, the Philippine National Police will continue to try and identify and locate further victims to rescue from harm.”

The 32-year-old man was extradited from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and charged with counts of statutory rape, human trafficking, and online sexual exploitation of children. He is alleged to have sold child abuse material to at least 19 people from 10 different countries.

The PICACC was jointly established in 2019 by IJM, the UK National Crime Agency, Philippine National Police, Philippine National Bureau of Investigation and the Australian Federal Police. In 2021, Netherlands Police also joined the PICACC.

IJM has been providing critical training to police in the Philippines to combat online sexual exploitation of children, as well as logistical, legal and aftercare support for survivors before, during and after operations.

Learn more about online sexual exploitation of children >>

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“I want to let others know how I endured my past.” - Zoey's story

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