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President of the Philippines attends national summit organised by IJM

Credit: Office of the President of the Philippines: Presidential Communications Office

October 2024

IJM recently helped organise a national summit focused on combating online sexual abuse and exploitation of children (OSAEC). The summit brought together leaders from the Philippine national government, local government units, and other various organisations.

The President of the Republic of the Philippines, His Excellency, Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., President (pictured at another event) made a strong warning to potential offenders:

“I have said it before, and I will say it again: this Administration will spare no effort to combat these heinous crimes against our children.”

The summit, organised in partnership with the Department of Justice - Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking and the Department of Interior and Local Government, marked the launch of a new national campaign to educate communities about the impact of OSAEC and the importance of reporting to authorities.

The summit was also organised in alignment with the President’s recent directive calling for intensified efforts against OSAEC. IJM Philippines Director Samson Inocencio Jr., commended the Philippine government and its partners for demonstrating continued progress each year in combating trafficking.

“While we still have much work to do to protect our children from OSAEC, with this proven track record in our fight against human trafficking, I am confident that we are on the path to establishing the world’s best response to OSAEC.

Also addressing the summit crowd, Charito* from the Philippine Survivor Network shared actions that she and other survivors hope the government and other stakeholders would prioritise:

“First, we want protection for the victims, for safe spaces, for agencies to be trauma informed. Second, we need justice and convictions to be served.

“Third, we call on communities to care for what’s happening around them. Intensify the education of the local officials about OSAEC and, if possible, put up an OSAEC desk in every local government unit.

“Lastly, mayors should provide intentional investment for the sustainability of survivors by providing scholarships and financial support for activities that are critical to our healing and restoration.”

An exhibit was also set up to showcase photos and pottery created by members of the Philippine Survivor Network.

In 2022 alone, nearly half a million Filipino children, or roughly 1 in 100 children, were trafficked to produce child sexual exploitation material for profit, according to estimates from the pioneering Scale of Harm prevalence study by IJM and the University of Nottingham Rights Lab.

Find out how IJM is helping stop OSAEC >>


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