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First conviction for IJM in Honduras

December 2024

Emma*, a child in Honduras who experienced sexual abuse, has received justice, thanks to the support of an IJM-trained community advocate.

IJM’s first conviction proves that when local people and organisations are equipped to support survivors of violence, perpetrators are stopped – leading to safer communities.

At the age of 13, Emma was trapped in a nightmare. Her uncle was sexually assaulting her while her parents were at work.

When Emma's mother found out about the abuse, she sought help from a neighbour. Having received training from IJM’s partner CDH, the neighbour knew exactly what to do. She connected Emma’s mum with a community-based advocate called Maura. 

Last year, Maura had received training from IJM and CDH to help protect women and children in her community from violence. With this knowledge in hand, Maura encouraged and accompanied Emma’s family to file a complaint with the police.

Maura also contacted a CDH lawyer to seek legal advice. In a victory for justice, Emma’s uncle was arrested; he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to seven years in prison.

Emma and her mum received emotional support to heal and today, Emma is on the road to recovery. She knows that reporting the man who hurt her was worth it as she, her siblings and other children in the community are now safer.

Emma’s case is a testament to the importance of training people in the community - like Maura and Emma’s neighbour - to respond to violence.

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