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Arrests made for sex trafficking in the UK and Romania

July 2024

Earlier this month, three searches were carried out by Romanian police in a case of human trafficking, child trafficking and rape of a child.

Investigations revealed that 8 suspects, mostly from the same family, sexually exploited several people including a 13-year-old girl across the UK and Romania.

IJM has been assisting one of the survivors in this case since 2023. The criminal group took advantage of her vulnerabilities, physically abusing her and threatening to kill her if she tried to ask for help from the police.

Assisted by IJM, her testimony provided information that helped lead to this successful operation by Romanian authorities.

From the evidence gathered, it emerged that the organized crime group had sexually exploited several vulnerable people, advertising their victims on websites.

During the searches, police seized money, bank cards, a weapon, a laptop, several mobile phones, documents and other means of evidence.

The prosecutor notified the judge of rights and liberties of the Bucharest Court with the proposal of the preventive arrest of the detained defendants for a period of 30 days.

IJM is continuing to assist the survivor with medical, psychological and legal services, along with material support.

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