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IJM awarded commendation by the Embassy of Ukraine

January 2025

IJM was recently formally awarded an honorary commendation by the Embassy of Ukraine in Romania.

IJM’s practical support of Ukrainian refugees since the beginning of the war in February 2022 was recognized to be of great significance to the entire Ukrainian people.

IJM has directly provided support to Ukrainian refugees in Romania in over 7,000 cases. From immigration, integration and medical support to housing and transportation, IJM has helped reduced vulnerability to human trafficking.

What’s more, IJM has contributed to supporting an additional 7,000 refugees through partnering with local organizations and volunteers.

IJM has also trained over 400 frontline responders and thought leaders on the risks of human trafficking for Ukrainian refugees.

In further news, at the end of 2024, IJM and The National Police of Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Cooperation for the prevention, detection, and suppression of offenses in the field of human trafficking.

“Since the beginning of the large-scale armed aggression, the (Ukrainian) police has documented 331 cases of human trafficking.

"During this period, we identified 249 victims in criminal cases of human trafficking, including 62 minors,” stated Andrii Anatoliiovych Niebytov, Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine – Head of the Criminal Police.

“The signing of the Memorandum is another significant step forward, aimed at preventing, identifying and combating crimes, including child exploitation, as well as providing assistance to victims of human trafficking,” he added.

“Ukrainian refugees are predominantly women and children, who are particularly vulnerable to labour and sex trafficking,” said Shawn Kohl, IJM’s Director of the European Anti-Trafficking Programme.

“Joint actions will allow significant progress to be made in combating cross-border human trafficking and will ensure effective protection of the rights of Ukrainians affected by the terrible crimes of human trafficking."

IJM has been working with the National Police of Ukraine for over a year. In August 2023, IJM received funding from the US Department of State - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, aimed at ensuring protection against human trafficking for Ukrainian refugees and other vulnerable populations in Romania and Bulgaria.

Find out more about IJM’s work in Europe >>

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