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What happens once a child is safe from trafficking or abuse?


What happens once a child is safe from trafficking or abuse?

Children who’ve experienced violence are deeply traumatised and remain highly vulnerable. Read how specialist care can help children heal and find hope again when they desperately need it.

Once a child has been brought to safety by police and IJM, our work is just beginning.

Recovery is not straightforward; it’s a process that can take years.

Survivors of child trafficking and abuse will never forget what happened to them – but healing is possible with long-term, specialist support from a team of experts, and the generosity of supporters like you.

What does trauma caused by trafficking and abuse look like?

Trauma can manifest in both psychological and physical ways. Eight-year-old Peace* became very withdrawn and often complained of stomach pain after she was sexually abused. Following medical examination, it became clear it was the impact of trauma.

Why is aftercare important?

Aftercare is vital for many reasons, including helping children to heal, pursue justice and remain safe in the future. When a child is able to pursue and receive justice, other children are also protected from ever being abused in the first place. That’s why this is one of IJM’s more important areas of work.

“Survivors of crime are better placed to pursue justice if their mental well-being is taken care of.” - Benson Shamala, former IJM Kenya director

What does a child’s aftercare journey with IJM look like?

IJM’s support is tailored for each child, depending on their needs and when IJM becomes involved in their case. But together we can support survivors from the moment they are brought to safety, for as long as they need to re-build their lives in safety.

This could involve:

  1. Immediate crisis care

    IJM aftercare staff are there during police operations to bring children to safety, helping children understand what is happening and that they are safe.

  2. Safe and stable homes

    IJM works with partners and authorities to ensure survivors have a safe place to live where they can begin healing physically and emotionally.

  3. Trauma-informed counselling

    IJM aftercare staff and partners are trained to provide counselling for children like Peace who suffer from complex and extreme trauma.

  4. Support through the legal process

    IJM supports survivors and their families through the process of giving statements and testifying in court, helping make justice possible.

  5. Skills training and education

    IJM aftercare teams and partners connect survivors to educational opportunities and skills training to help them regain economic stability and pursue their dreams.

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What difference does IJM’s support make in a child’s life?

Aftercare makes it possible for children like Peace to recover from abuse, find hope for the future and obtain justice – protecting more children in the future.

When she was eight years old, Peace was sexually abused by a man in her community. Withdrawn and struggling at school, Peace was living in fear: unable to move on from the abuse she’d suffered.

But Peace’s mum Helsa* fought to get her the help she needed: “A friend told me that IJM was a credible organisation. They provided counselling to my daughter. The staff became my friend and my children’s friend.”

Helsa was determined to get justice for her daughter and protect other children from abuse. IJM’s team came alongside Helsa, helping her navigate the justice system and accompanying her to court hearings – finally seeing the perpetrator sentenced to eight years in prison.

“IJM empowered me to have the courage to keep going until the perpetrator was sentenced.” – Helsa

After receiving professional counselling and justice, Peace has not only been able to catch up with her schoolwork – she recently received the second-best grades in her class! When IJM last visited Peace, she was eager to talk about her dreams of becoming a doctor – before rushing off to play with her little brother.

Peace’s progress is testament to both her resilience and the lasting impact your support can have on a child’s life. “I know she is going to make it,” Helsa shares proudly.

How many survivors has IJM supported to heal?

Thanks to the support of people like you, IJM and partners have helped over 9,333 children, women and men reach a place of sustainable recovery.

Right now, we’re walking with thousands more survivors of trafficking and abuse to help them reach this place.

“I’ve seen Aaron* come alive,” says Sheila, an IJM lawyer who supported two-year-old Aaron to heal from online sexual exploitation in the Philippines.

“He has become joyful and playful. His laughter and exuberance were restored to him.”

What is trauma-informed care?

Trauma-informed care is an approach to interacting with children that is sensitive, supports their healing, and recognises the complex and nuanced impact of trauma.

IJM and our partners provide trauma-informed care for survivors, and train law enforcement and other services to interact with children in this manner too – preventing re-traumatisation and increasing their ability to seek justice.

More children desperately need help to reach a place of healing. Christmas is a time of joy and generosity. Will you give now to help children find hope and joy again?

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When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

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Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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