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Pioneering advance in protecting children from facing abusers in court


Pioneering advance in protecting children from facing abusers in court

IJM has published the first definitive guide to conducting videotaped interviews (VIDI), shielding survivors from testifying in front of abusers.


estifying in front of the people who abused them is extremely distressing for survivors of online sexual exploitation – especially as abusers are often family members.

Facing their abuser can also negatively affect a child’s testimony – impacting whether the abuser is convicted.

That’s why IJM recently published the first definitive guide to conducting videotaped interviews (VIDI).

The resource uses years of legal, academic and practical knowledge to present the model for conducting interviews that can be recorded and used throughout investigations, court procedures and in aftercare, shielding survivors from multiple retellings of their abuse.

“I recovered well because of the help of VIDI.”Briella*, a survivor of online sexual exploitation

Using video recordings has so far spared over 131 children like Briella from having to relive their traumatic experiences in court.

Together with the Philippine government, IJM pioneers the advancement of trauma-informed, child-protective prosecutions, as we continue the fight against online sexual exploitation of children – one of the world’s fastest, borderless crimes.

“In releasing this publication, it is our hope to mainstream VIDIs as a child-protective and victim-centric prosecution strategy in court proceedings,” said Prosecutor Wendell P. Bendoval, Executive Director of the Philippines Department of Justice’s Interagency Council Against Trafficking.

“The Philippines government has never been more equipped to carry the mission forward. Together, let us build a robust system of protection for the young and the vulnerable.”

Thanks to the support of people like you, we’re helping children recover from abuse and ensuring that abusers can’t harm others. Thank you.

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