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Once a Child Labourer, Kumar Is Now Building Protection in His Country


Once a Child Labourer, Kumar Is Now Building Protection in His Country

Twenty years ago, Kumar was just a little boy.
You would have found him in a brick kiln in South Asia, working with raw hands - too frightened to dream of his future.

Today you will find him the happiest he’s ever been, as his dreams are fulfilled, one after the other. Kumar married the love of his life, Jancy, and having recently completed a master’s degree in social work, he’s now serving with the IJM South Asia team as a social worker, fulfilling his passion of helping other survivors on their journey to restoration.

From Survivor to Survivor Leader

When Kumar was 5 years old, his beloved father died suddenly, and his mother abandoned him shortly after. He went to live with an uncle who tried to care for him well, but when Kumar was 7, an abusive kiln owner forced Kumar into slavery over a small debt incurred by a relative.

Kumar suffered in slavery for two horrific years. “They tortured me so much” he remembers. “I did not think about freedom. I was afraid to think of my future. I had nothing to look forward to. I felt like I had lost everything in life.”

But a life of enslavement and fear was not to be Kumar’s future. Kumar was brought to safety in 2003 by the South Asian government with the support of IJM. That marked the beginning of a two-decade relationship with IJM that continues today.

When Kumar was first brought to safety, his primary goal was to obtain an education. He’d never been to school, but with much perseverance, he completed secondary school, worked with an IJM team in South Asia for four years, and earned a bachelor's degree in commerce. It wasn’t enough, though:

“I thought of the many who were still stuck in the system of bonded labor. If I wanted to help them, I had to study social work.”

Now 29, and having completed his master’s degree in 2021, Kumar says:

“I have achieved three of the most important life goals: getting an education, finding a job, and settling down, and finally, having a partner with whom I can share the rest of my life’s journey.”

Kumar met Jancy in 2017 when they were both studying commerce, and they were married in February 2022.

“After marriage, I am truly beyond happy,” he said. “Rescue changed everything, but Jancy has added meaning to my life. For the first time, I feel like my life is full of hopes and dreams that we aspire to conquer together.”

Kumar’s heart overflowed with joy and gratitude when IJM staff from two South Asian offices came to celebrate his marriage: “I was most thrilled to see those who cared for me from when I was a kid attend my wedding. I wanted their blessing. That was my heart’s desire. They travelled from far and near to be there on my special day.”

Guiding Survivors

As a final step in earning his master’s degree, Kumar completed a field internship with the Released Bonded Laborers Association (a network of survivors mentored by IJM). After that he desired to work with another IJM team in South Asia, and his qualifications earned him the opportunity to live out another dream: serving as a Community Development Social Worker with IJM.

Kumar feels he is able to rewrite the stories of others like him as he helps survivors through the process of obtaining government services for freed bonded laborers.

“As each family holds their ID cards or entitlements, it gives me a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that I have played a part in their journey,” he says.

Kumar also speaks at government meetings to raise awareness about the issue of bonded labor and share his own story—particularly about how the timely rescue and aftercare program helped him.

“When I highlight these experiences, they are filled with immense joy,” he says. “They are overjoyed to see my transformation from a bonded laborer to a spokesperson. Listening to their compliments gives me a lot of happiness. This motivates me to do more for my people.”

Kumar also highlights the importance of education—a subject he talks to both survivors and their parents about. His biggest desire, he told us, is to see them become degree-holders like him.

Kumar describes his life now as being “lit up in a glorious way,” but is well aware of how differently his story could have ended:

“Had I not been rescued, my life would still be in the deep pit of darkness, and my next generation and the generations to come would have been in complete darkness,” he says.

Acknowledging how IJM helped him when he needed it, Kumar is determined to now offer that same assistance to other bonded laborers—people with whom he can identify so closely. “My dream is to raise more ‘Kumars’ like me,” he says. “This system of bonded labor should be completely eradicated. This is my desire; this is my dream."

Looking Ahead and Looking Behind

Kumar also took a moment to reflect on the milestone IJM is celebrating this year, since its founding in 1997. “On this 25th anniversary of IJM, I really want to thank God for Gary and his vision to bring IJM into existence and for every supporter and donor who has partnered in this mission and given so selflessly,” Kumar says.

“It is because of each of your sacrifices that people like me are free today to chase our dreams. Every little deed of yours is a seed to grow many more ‘Kumars’ like me. I hope that this will be the start to end bonded labor in my generation.”

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