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Martha Collison celebrates IJM’s 25th birthday


Martha Collison celebrates IJM’s 25th birthday

We were thrilled to welcome Martha Collison, baker extraordinaire and youngest ever quarter finalist of the Great British Bake Off, to IJM’s 25th birthday party last night!


Martha joined Anita Budu, Director of Operations at IJM Ghana, for an evening of fun, laughter, and reflecting on the incredible change we’ve seen over the past 25 years.

With IJM Freedom Partners (regular givers) tuning in online to bake along at home, Martha showed us how to bake a very special birthday cake. We loved welcoming Martha into our IJM family – Freedom Partners were excited to learn her top tips and ask her questions during the audience Q&A.

Martha shared "It was such a pleasure to spend the evening with IJM UK celebrating 25 years of amazing work against human trafficking and modern slavery."

Throughout the evening, Anita shared inspirational stories from her work stopping child trafficking to show the impact of our Freedom Partners’ support. Thanks to their generous giving, we’ve been able to partner with authorities around the world to bring over 76,000 people to safety from violence and exploitation. As we look towards our 2030 goal to have rescued millions, protect half a billion, and make justice for people living in poverty unstoppable, it was a real encouragement to reflect on how far we’ve come.

It’s amazing to have passionate advocates like Martha alongside us in this journey – and we’re excited to share that this Christmas, we’ve teamed up with Martha to help you give the gift of freedom, and a sweet treat too!

When you donate in honour of your loved ones through IJM's gift catalogue, IJM will send you a link to a delicious recipe from Martha. You’ll also receive a card to share with your loved one.

Choose a gift from the Gift Catalogue here

Check out Martha’s Freedom Cookies here

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